CEC: The Columbia Esterel Compiler |
An open-source research compiler for the synchronous reactive
language Esterel.
Edwards, Soviani, Zeng
Taxi: Translation Aid for External Interfaces |
The goal of this project is to make it possible to write a
single device driver and have it automatically ported to as many
operating systems as possible. Our first goal is to port simple
drivers to Unix-like OSes, then tackle Windows, Mac OS, etc.
Edwards, Conway
QCC: Quantum Computer Compilers |
The ultimate goal of this project is to develop high-level
programming languages and compilers for the quantum computers of the
future. Our initial focus is to develop effective algorithms that can
be used in quantum computer compilers to produce efficient quantum
circuits for different quantum technologies from high-level
specifications of quantum computations.
Aho, Svore
VLL: The Verification Library Language |
Software is difficult to write correctly, so why not have
computers help check its correctness? The goal of this project is to
produce a domain-specific language that allows libraries to be written
that perform certain software verification tasks, ranging from simple
syntactic checks such as ensuring each case in a switch statement has
a break, all the way to symbolic simulation of program code
Aho, Edwards, Shinnar